Vendor Management

Vendor management and governance is emerging as a top business priority. Organizations are recognizing that effective oversight of service delivery is essential to managing multi-vendor service delivery models, to achieving anticipated value and benefits from outsourcing and to complying with increasingly stringent regulatory compliance requirements. In structuring their vendor management functions, businesses are focused on enabling consistent and standard oversight of each provider, as well as transparency and visibility into the entire chain of service delivery. Increasingly, businesses are outsourcing the day-to-day administrative tasks of vendor management to a third-party provider, and finding that this approach yields significant cost and performance benefits.


Denis Desjardins

Managing Principal, WGroup
Content Chairperson
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Denis Desjardins has more than 25 years of experience in Information Systems—in diversified manufacturing, telecommunications and consulting businesses. His strengths include IT governance, outsourcing relationship development and program...

Contractual Discipline – a Financial Services Imperative

David England, Director “The best contract is the one you never have to pull out of the drawer.” That adage describes the idyllic sourcing relationship of old – one built on trust, open communication and aligned objectives. In such an environment, specific contractual terms and obligations rarely need to be called upon, since both sides […]

By- Alsbridge

How to Build a VMO: Lessons Learned and Keys to...

Executives today manage increasingly complex contracts and service delivery structures, and must meet increasingly high expectations regarding business value, continuous improvement and compliance to a changing regulatory landscape. In this environment, the Vendor Management Office (VMO) has emerged as a critical governance and oversight tool. Designed to facilitate collaboration within the sourcing model as well […]

By- Alsbridge

Building a Foundation: The Role of the VMO in Regulatory...

Complying with regulations on third-party oversight represents an urgent imperative for banks and financial services firms. Oversight of any given third-party provider involves a number of functions and business units with widely varying priorities and areas of focus, and requires clearly delineating lines of responsibility and ownership. A Vendor Management Office (VMO) can play a […]

Six Predictions: Vendor Management Capabilities Take Center Stage

In today’s outsourcing marketplace, complex, multi-vendor service delivery models offer the potential benefit of leveraging best-of-breed capabilities. However, they also pose the formidable challenge of integrating and coordinating myriad players with varying roles and responsibilities and ensuring collaboration among a disparate team of providers. In addition, increasingly stringent regulatory requirements in many industries put the […]

By- Alsbridge

The Shared Services Roadmap

Cut costs and increase standardization with these best practices. A shared services model allows companies to streamline their operations across an organization and provide centralized, standardized support to all business units. From finance to legal to IT, companies can achieve great benefits from consolidation and implementation of strong governance systems. Read More

By- The WGroup

Best in Class Vendor Management Office

Vendor Management Should be a Core Competency of the IT Function With the growing role of vendors in the delivery of IT services WGroup has long held that vendor management should be considered a core competency of the IT function, as well across the entire organization. This subsequently requires a management process and staffing commensurate […]

By- WGroup

Application Management Services a Key Gateway to HR BPaaS

With many organizations turning to cloud-based ERP and HR systems to replace legacy, on premise systems, and more importantly as a means to enable organizational transformation, the demand for cloud-based HR services continues to grow. NelsonHall’s Targeting Cloud Based HR Services market analysis estimates the market to be ~$15bn in 2016, growing to ~21bn in […]

By- NelsonHall

The Top 9 Trends in Vendor Management

Multi-vendor systems are becoming the standard model for delivering outsourcing services in today’s workplace. This approach allows clients to leverage the best service for a particular business environment. However, multi-vendor delivery models also require a client organization to integrate multiple vendors with varying roles and coordinate their activities in an effective manner. Furthermore, many industries, […]

By- WGroup

Four Ways to Improve Your Vendor Risk Program

Risk-management professionals often find the creation of a vendor risk management (VRM) program to be a challenging task, especially when it’s for an entire enterprise. An accurate vendor list and executive support are required for such a program. The challenge is this project often begins with an outdated vendor list and a need to build […]

By- WGroup

Compliance & VMS Technology: Clients Identify Areas Where MSP Vendors...

NelsonHall recently published its 2017 Managed Services Programs (MSP)1 market analysis and NEAT vendor assessment, as part of which we interviewed the clients of leading MSP vendors to ascertain satisfaction levels across a range of MSP service criteria. And while we found that MSP is largely meeting or exceeding client expectations, there are a few […]

By- NelsonHall