Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is the contracting of a specific business operation or process, such as customer service, finance & accounting, HR, recruiting, payroll or any other non-IT business function, to a third-party service provider, typically for a non-core competency to a provider with more specialized expertise, allowing the customer organization to focus on their main business or cut costs and maintain their position in the marketplace. BPO is often divided into two categories: back office outsourcing which includes internal business functions such as billing or purchasing, and front office outsourcing which includes customer-related services such as marketing or tech support.

Business Process Outsourcing

Analytics are the Key to Disruptive Customer Experience

Over the last few months, I have held discussions with a number of leading customer management services (CMS) vendors and their clients regarding the increasing need for advanced analytics to drive step changes in customer experience (CX). Here, I reflect on the changing role of analytics as they take centre stage as the key to […]

By- NelsonHall

Application Management Services a Key Gateway to HR BPaaS

With many organizations turning to cloud-based ERP and HR systems to replace legacy, on premise systems, and more importantly as a means to enable organizational transformation, the demand for cloud-based HR services continues to grow. NelsonHall’s Targeting Cloud Based HR Services market analysis estimates the market to be ~$15bn in 2016, growing to ~21bn in […]

By- NelsonHall

Ask the Experts- Vendor selection considerations: Part 2

Ask the Experts series with discussion of best practices for outsourcing.

Avoiding the “Ditch”: Making an effective transition to outsourcing

Mike Whilton, Deloitte Consulting speaks about the common pitfalls of transition, transition lifecycles & impacts, leading practices for transition planning & execution, and important factors for transition completion.

Booming Global Payroll Market Driven by Multi-Country Contracts

In NelsonHall’s recently published Payroll Services market analysis report, the payroll outsourcing market is forecasted to grow from $17.4 bn in 2016 to $21.8 bn by 2020. Growth is across all regions, with the greatest growth coming from multi-country payroll contracts. The multi-country payroll market is growing at three times the rate of the overall […]

By- NelsonHall