
Why Sourcing Speed is Critical

In today’s world of rapid technological development and fastpaced transformation, the year-long RFP cycle is outdated. Companies need the flexibility to move in and out of sourcing agreements rapidly to keep up with changing demands and new capabilities

By- WGroup

Optimizing Vendor Management Organizations: Strategic Vendor Management

Vendor management is increasingly becoming the primary role of IT. As the cost effectiveness, reliability and flexibility of third party services increase, more applications, infrastructure and platforms are moving from in-house to the cloud. This is driving a fundamental restructuring of IT with a greater focus on building relationships with providers and working with them […]

By- WGroup

What’s on the Minds of CXO’s Investigating RPA & Intelligent...

Our new Cognirati video blog, created by IRPA founder Frank Casale, delivers a sneak peek into what CXOs are most concerned with when it comes to RPA & Intelligent Automation.  From getting clarity on industry jargon, figuring out where to started, deciding whether to make vs. buy, sorting out the pricing confusion and understanding where […]

By- Frank Casale

The Challenge of Achieving Customer-Driven Shared Services

The Impact of Disruptive Business Trends are Causing a Rethink of Shared Services. The concept and use of shared services have been around for almost 30 years. However, shared services have matured to a level of organizational standard practice for support services across multiple business units. Despite this evolution, the penetration of shared services that […]

By- WGroup