Digital Services

The convergence of software, services and digital channels is resulting in a paradigm shift within the Services industry. Traditional services firms are transforming to help their customers through the Digital journey. Organizations are increasingly relying on Service providers as partners to help them transform into a Digital enterprise.  By combining the power of Digital Services such as analytics, mobility, IoT, automation and cloud, organizations can enhance customer engagement, improve performance and drive new growth opportunities in a Digital world.

10 principles for winning the game of digital disruption

A high-stakes global game of digital disruption is currently underway. It is enabled by the latest wave of technology: advances in artificial intelligence, data, robotics, the internet of things, and new software-enabled platforms. As a result, the prevailing business models in every industry could drastically change. For every company, this is an immense opportunity to […]

By- PwC

3 Strategies to Digitize Your Shared Service Center

Introduction Shared Service Centers (SSC) continue to deliver greater value year over year. In Deloitte’s 2017 Global Shared Services Survey, 3 out of 4 respondents saw productivity increases of 5% or more in the past year. Due to the success of SSCs, companies tend to expand the scope of shared service initiatives, integrating increasingly more knowledge-based […]

By- Celonis

What’s on the Minds of CXO’s Investigating RPA & Intelligent...

Our new Cognirati video blog, created by IRPA founder Frank Casale, delivers a sneak peek into what CXOs are most concerned with when it comes to RPA & Intelligent Automation.  From getting clarity on industry jargon, figuring out where to started, deciding whether to make vs. buy, sorting out the pricing confusion and understanding where […]

By- Frank Casale

2017 Travel Tech Trends – Insights to Surf a Changeable...

The travel industry is increasingly fragmented, full of different players in a very competitive environment; this situation leads to massive restructuring at all levels, disruption of vertical value chains, and “friend-enemies” environments.

By- Avasant