RSU d134
Someone from Honeywell talking about diagnostic selling
May 10, 2012
Someone from Honeywell talking about diagnostic selling
May 10, 2012
May 10, 2012
Frank Casale is discussion re: the transaction
May 9, 2012
Frank Olivieri, President & COO, Marketing Solutions, Williams Lea and Matt Swain, Associate Director, Document Outsourcing, InfoTrends discuss marketing BPO and case studies.
May 9, 2012
May 9, 2012
Frank Casale re: time to make a decision.
May 9, 2012 Need for standardization narrated by Jay Whitehead, HRO.
May 9, 2012
May 9, 2012
May 9, 2012
Atul Vashistha, Chairman, Neo Group discusses what ails outsourcing and solutions to leverage: supply intelligence models and supply intelligence monitoring program.
May 9, 2012