Author Archives:

Targeting Work At Home Services

A delivery model employed by customer management services suppliers.

May 4, 2013

How Tech Support can Drive World Class Customer Experiences

May 4, 2013

The Disconnect – Buyers Are From Mars

Frank Casale, CEO, Outsourcing Institute discusses with colleagues why there is a common disconnect between outsourcing buyers and providers.

Outsourcing Institute

May 3, 2013

Hadoop for Enterprises

Tony Mataya, Managing Partner, ThinkSolutions, Vadim Lasenik, CEO, Luxoft EMEA, Sergey Bakulin, Big Data Scientist, Luxoft discus Big Data, infrastructure challenges, enterprise adoption challenges and case studies.

May 3, 2013

Developing Effective Customer Communication

May 2, 2013

Successful Inside Sales Qualification

May 2, 2013

Training and Development Outsourcing

Joseph George, Founder & CEO, Business2excel discusses training and development in the outsourcing area.

May 2, 2013

Securing Applications: It’s More Than a Compliance Issue

2013 was a challenging year for major companies fighting high-profile security breaches. Apple, Twitter, Facebook, Microsoft, Tumblr, Burger King, Jeep, Evernote and The New York Times are just a few of the big-name organizations that had to combat security problems.

April 28, 2013

What’s Next in Document Outsourcing

Aurora Coya, Williams Lea and Matt Swain, InfoTrends discuss trends in strategic document outsourcing, market demand and case studies.

April 25, 2013