Author Archives:

Outsource Brazil- The Whale Strategy

It has been for some time now that the Indian companies have taken the lead in the world market for providing IT services. In the last ten years, they rapidly developed the skills set combined with the capability of producing mass output with the millions of professionals they certified every year. Now they are the […]

April 24, 2016

Working With Third Party Advisors

April 24, 2016

Human Capital Strategic Sourcing

A workbook for the preliminary assessment of issues, scope, costs and benefits of sourcing human resource processes.

April 24, 2016

The Outsourcing Advantage-How to Leverage the Value of Your Organization’s Human, Financial, and Technological Capital

The new human capital movement – which views people as the primary asset of any organization – has thrust human resources managers into a new, more strategic role. The increasing importance of traditional HR functions – such as recruiting, managing, and retaining employees – has made the HR director an indispensable part of the senior […]

April 24, 2016

Xerox – Robotic Automation for BPO

Frank Casale, CEO, Outsourcing Institute and R.G. Conlee, SVP & Chief Innovation Officer, Xerox discuss Automation for BPO.

Outsourcing Institute

April 22, 2016


Welcome to the era of the demanding candidate. Not the applicant who needs your job, or just happens to be the best available talent, but rather the best candidate – period. The candidate who will make a difference inside your organization, help you better compete in the marketplace and drive your company on toward greater […]

April 22, 2016

Outsourcing Helps Banks and Law Firms Overcome the Challenges of Increased Workflow and Limited Resources

Many banks and law firms continue to face a number of key challenges related to the economic downturn, and often they’re grappling with these challenges using limited resources.

April 22, 2016

Industry Leader Roundtable The Barriers & Breakthroughs of Defining Digital in the World of Banking – Part I

In Part I of this two-part interview, Frank Casale,Founder and CEO of the Outsourcing Institute, sits down with Peter Iannone of Alsbridge and Gene Chao of CSC to discuss the Barriers and Breakthroughs of Defining Digital in the World of Banking

April 22, 2016

Harnessing the Business Potential of Disruptive Innovations

Tom Young, Executive Board Member, Outsourcing Institute talks to Meera Sampath, VP Innovation and Business Transformation, Xerox Services, Tim Joyce, CIO, WDS, A Xerox Company and Raju Bala, Principal Scientist & Area Manager, PARC, A Xerox Company regarding disruptive innovation  fundamentals and case studies.

April 21, 2016