The Transaction: Episode 4 – Downselect Debrief; Who makes the Cut?
May 1, 2016
May 1, 2016
May 1, 2016
May 1, 2016
April 29, 2016
April 29, 2016
April 29, 2016
Jon Butler, Principal Consultant, ISG, Daniel Chavez, CEO, Dextra Technologies and Luis Saldana, VP Business Development, Dextra Technologies discuss onshore vs nearshore vs offshore, TCO and hidden costs, why nearshore, and case studies.
Outsourcing Institute
April 29, 2016
Barb Pellow, Group Director, InfoTrends, Matt Swain, Associate Director, Document Outsourcing, InfoTrends, Dana Johnston, VP eSales & Business Development, DST Output, and Rick Huff, Senior Vice President, Sales, Marketing & Client Relations, KUBRA discuss digital mailbox services, key research findings, insight from DST Output and KUBRA, recommendations & conclusions.
Outsourcing Institute
April 29, 2016
Frank Casale, Founder & CEO, Outsourcing Institute and Daniel Chavev, CEO, Dextra Technologies discuss the benefits of nearshoring with regard to agile, partnership with clients, risk mitigation & trust factor.
April 29, 2016
Outsourcing Institute
April 29, 2016